Risultati 2° appello Lingua inglese I - Hillan (M-Q)
Mille Sara 1334985 Insuff
Occhiuzzi Silvia 1157731 Insuff
Pinzariu Gabriela 1355195 Insuff
Gli studenti possono visionare i compiti durante il ricevimento della Dott.ssa Hillan.
( Prossimo ricevimento: giovedì 7 ottobre, 8,30 – 10,10)
giovedì 30 settembre 2010
Conversation groups
Anche quest'anno organizziamo conversation groups con studenti americani dell'università di California. Alla sede dell'università di California (piazza dell'orologio,7) fino a 60 studenti possono andare per conversare in inglese (un ora) e in italiano (un ora). Ogni studente nostro sarà con uno studento americano. Il primo incontro sarà giovedì 7 ottobre dalle 9.00 alle 11.00. Si prega gli studenti interessati di iscriversi nella stanza dei lettori. Sebbene aperti a tutti gli studenti, questi conversation groups fanno parte dell'attività obbligatori dei studenti frequentanti.
Edward Lynch
Edward Lynch
venerdì 17 settembre 2010
LINGUA INGLESE PRIMO APPELLO - 15 settembre 2010 Hillan ( M-Q)
Mancini Simonetta 592950 Insuff
Melchiori Giulia 1334591 Insuff
Piccirilli Carmela 1320161 Insuff
Mancini Simonetta 592950 Insuff
Melchiori Giulia 1334591 Insuff
Piccirilli Carmela 1320161 Insuff
mercoledì 15 settembre 2010
The results published yesterday are for students DOMINICI - VERTULLO. Prof. Wilson will be publishing the results of the other students on his blog.
martedì 14 settembre 2010
Wednesday 15th - 8.3 10.30
Wednesday 22nd - 10.30 12.30
Wednesday 29th - 10.30 12.30
Wednesday 22nd - 10.30 12.30
Wednesday 29th - 10.30 12.30
D.G 1135738 Insuff
D.G. 1188723 20
E.I 1216311 20
F. G. 1125631 20
F V 1169711 23+
F.E 976649 18
F.A. 1045580 Insuff
F.R. 1167152 Insuff
F. L. 1126122 18
G.C. 1214513 20
G.A. 1173433 Insuff
G.M. 1152212 Insuff
G.M. 1170756 21
H.M. 1190589 Insuff
I.G. 1213537 Insuff
J.N. 1204730 Insuff
K.S. 1070937 Insuff
K.P. 1179324 Insuff
L M. 1214397 Insuff
L.E. 1073392 23
L.S. 1064679 Insuff
L.A. 1218098 22+
M.A. 1062030 Insuff
M.F. 1215611 Insuff
M.M. 1190154 Insuff
M.S. 1100272 Insuff
M.S. 1210739 Insuff
M.M. 1178675 19
N.C. 1200152 25+
N.D. 1103864 Insuff
N.L. 1127320 Insuff
O.C. 1163130 Insuff
P.E. 1005817 Insuff
P.S. 1068808 Insuff
P.S. 1212660 19
P.M. 1072115 Insuff
P.A. 1209838 24
P.D. 1208031 Insuff
P.R. 1216622 Insuff
R.G. 1098259 19
R.I. 1072563 18
S.S. 1213980 Insuff
S.S. 1062049 Insuff
S.B. 1210262 18
S.M. 1157382 Insuff
S.F. 1131762 Insuff
T.F. 1129130 19
T.V. 1210771 Insuff
V.I. 1173420 Insuff
The oral exam for those "laureandi" students who have passed the written exam will begin on Wednesday 17th September at 8am in the "stanza lettori" ( see list below).If you are a “laureandi” student and your name is not on the list, please contact me by email as soon as possible. Oral exam dates for the “non-laureandi” students are also listed below. Instructions for the examination will be found below. Candidates who did not pass the examination may come to see their papers during my "ricevimento" hours.
ORAL EXAMS – Friday 17th September
08.10 – Fazio Valentina
08.30- Freno Luana
08.50- Lombardi Emanuela
09.10- Plutino Alessandra
09.30- Randone Gisella
09.50- Rinaldi Ilaria
ORAL EXAMS – Wednesday 22nd September
08.30 – Donzella Germana
08.50- Elsherbiny Ismail
09.10- Fauro Gloria
09.30 –Filantropia Ester
09.50 –Genovesi Corinne
10.10 –Guercini Marta
ORAL EXAMS – Friday 24th September
08.30 – Luciani Annalisa
08.50 – Mazzarini Marisa
09.10 –Nardone Chiara
09.30 – Petruzziello Salvatore
09.50 –Scalise Barbara
10.10 –Teolis Flavia
For the oral examination students are required to bring two copies (photocopies) of two articles on the same subject, of their own choice. One must be from a broadsheet newspaper, the other one from a tabloid. The articles must have been published within the seven days preceding the oral examination. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPARE THE LANGUAGE OF THE ARTICLES.
PLEASE remember that you choose the articles on which your final oral examination is based and therefore you must choose suitably and prepare the work carefully.
Sara THORNE, 'Mastering Advanced English Grammar', Palgrave (1997), especially chapters 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 17, 20;
Mark FOLEY & Diane HALL, 'Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar', Longman (2003) [this is a book for self-study];
Michael SWAN, ‘Practical English Usage’+ Grammar Scan, O.U.P.
Jennifer PUDNEY, 'Written English for Advanced Learners', Rome (2003)
D.G. 1188723 20
E.I 1216311 20
F. G. 1125631 20
F V 1169711 23+
F.E 976649 18
F.A. 1045580 Insuff
F.R. 1167152 Insuff
F. L. 1126122 18
G.C. 1214513 20
G.A. 1173433 Insuff
G.M. 1152212 Insuff
G.M. 1170756 21
H.M. 1190589 Insuff
I.G. 1213537 Insuff
J.N. 1204730 Insuff
K.S. 1070937 Insuff
K.P. 1179324 Insuff
L M. 1214397 Insuff
L.E. 1073392 23
L.S. 1064679 Insuff
L.A. 1218098 22+
M.A. 1062030 Insuff
M.F. 1215611 Insuff
M.M. 1190154 Insuff
M.S. 1100272 Insuff
M.S. 1210739 Insuff
M.M. 1178675 19
N.C. 1200152 25+
N.D. 1103864 Insuff
N.L. 1127320 Insuff
O.C. 1163130 Insuff
P.E. 1005817 Insuff
P.S. 1068808 Insuff
P.S. 1212660 19
P.M. 1072115 Insuff
P.A. 1209838 24
P.D. 1208031 Insuff
P.R. 1216622 Insuff
R.G. 1098259 19
R.I. 1072563 18
S.S. 1213980 Insuff
S.S. 1062049 Insuff
S.B. 1210262 18
S.M. 1157382 Insuff
S.F. 1131762 Insuff
T.F. 1129130 19
T.V. 1210771 Insuff
V.I. 1173420 Insuff
The oral exam for those "laureandi" students who have passed the written exam will begin on Wednesday 17th September at 8am in the "stanza lettori" ( see list below).If you are a “laureandi” student and your name is not on the list, please contact me by email as soon as possible. Oral exam dates for the “non-laureandi” students are also listed below. Instructions for the examination will be found below. Candidates who did not pass the examination may come to see their papers during my "ricevimento" hours.
ORAL EXAMS – Friday 17th September
08.10 – Fazio Valentina
08.30- Freno Luana
08.50- Lombardi Emanuela
09.10- Plutino Alessandra
09.30- Randone Gisella
09.50- Rinaldi Ilaria
ORAL EXAMS – Wednesday 22nd September
08.30 – Donzella Germana
08.50- Elsherbiny Ismail
09.10- Fauro Gloria
09.30 –Filantropia Ester
09.50 –Genovesi Corinne
10.10 –Guercini Marta
ORAL EXAMS – Friday 24th September
08.30 – Luciani Annalisa
08.50 – Mazzarini Marisa
09.10 –Nardone Chiara
09.30 – Petruzziello Salvatore
09.50 –Scalise Barbara
10.10 –Teolis Flavia
For the oral examination students are required to bring two copies (photocopies) of two articles on the same subject, of their own choice. One must be from a broadsheet newspaper, the other one from a tabloid. The articles must have been published within the seven days preceding the oral examination. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPARE THE LANGUAGE OF THE ARTICLES.
PLEASE remember that you choose the articles on which your final oral examination is based and therefore you must choose suitably and prepare the work carefully.
Sara THORNE, 'Mastering Advanced English Grammar', Palgrave (1997), especially chapters 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 17, 20;
Mark FOLEY & Diane HALL, 'Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar', Longman (2003) [this is a book for self-study];
Michael SWAN, ‘Practical English Usage’+ Grammar Scan, O.U.P.
Jennifer PUDNEY, 'Written English for Advanced Learners', Rome (2003)