lunedì 21 febbraio 2011

III ANNO - Assignment 4

Read Chapter 12, The Language of Advertising, Mastering Advanced English Language, Sara Thorne and complete worksheet in Analysis handout.

lunedì 14 febbraio 2011


C.C 1277405 19/30
D.R 1273651 15+/30
M.F.1280939 16+/30
M.A.1275407 16+/30
P.M.1213484 16/30
P.S.1234672 19/30
V.F.1204678 17/30

III ANNO - Asssignment

Task Three
See instructions for Task Two

Tommy and Stephen are two canadian brothers who have been divided when they had only few months adopted from different families. When majors, each has started to search informations about their biological parents and their others parents. Tommy has been able to found the family that adopted his brother and find where they had lived. Tommy was surprised discovering that Stephen has been living in front of Tommy’s house from more than two years. Stephen grew in the south but for many years he has transferred to Corner Brook how his brother. Tommy has told,” I couldn’t believe, I thought it would have been difficult to find him in the same region but finding him in the same street it has been incredible.”

Oxford Word Skills – Advanced
For those of you who still have to start the book, see blog post 5th December,2010 for chapters already assigned.
The following chapters should be studied before we begin lessons:
The Body – 7,8
A Changing World – 27,31
Leisure and Lifestyle – 20,21
Spoken English – 59,60

giovedì 10 febbraio 2011

RISULTATI - LINGUA I - Esame scritto del 8 Febbraio 2011

M. A. 1278086 18/30
M. E. 1317411 05/30
M. V. 1309387 23+/30
M. A. 975949 18/30
P. G. 1355195 16/30
P. L. 1216277 18+/30

Gli studenti possono visionare i compiti durante l'orario di ricevimento.

mercoledì 9 febbraio 2011

lunedì 7 febbraio 2011


Mid- Module Test January 2011 – Students’ versions
This week it’s your turn to teach. Below you will find a version of the first translation from the mid- module test. It is a compilation of the mistakes made by students.
1. Identify the mistakes - there are 20+.
2. Correct them.
3. Provide a grammatical explanation for EACH mistake even the ones you consider too simple.
4. Imagine you had to give a lesson on the grammar points. How would you do it? It might be a good idea to do this as group work.

When he has known by the doctors that he had 3 months of life only, the comic David Ismay decided to make the Bucket List, a list of the things most important to do before to die. The sixty four years old from the Leiceistershire county he realized ambitious and not economic desires spending much of his money.
After ten weeks the surprise: new medical diagnosis have shown that the before diagnosis was wrong and the comedian has discovered not to be on the point of the death. Even though Mr Ismay isn’t angry.
He has told:” If I had would not had had the mistake diagnosis, I hadn’t do much things I have dreamed to do in my life. I got no money but I enjoyed very much

martedì 1 febbraio 2011

Lingua Inglese I - Verbalizzazione

La seconda data per la verbalizzazione (lingua + lettorato) della sessione invernale 2009/2010 è il 16 febbraio.
Gli studenti possono prenotarsi su Infostud a partire dal 2 febbraio.