ALL III YEAR (including III and IV year quadriennale Vecchio Ordinamento)
The exam will be on
Wednesday 11th September at 15.00
(allocation of students to the rooms will be given at 14.30 on the day of the exam)
PRENOTAZIONI ESCLUSIVAMENTE nelle cartelline di fronte alla Segreteria di Anglistica
(if you cannot come yourselves you will need to find someone else to write your name on the list)
from Wednesday 3rd July until Friday 6th September a.m. AND NOT AFTER.
(if you cannot come yourselves you will need to find someone else to write your name on the list)
from Wednesday 3rd July until Friday 6th September a.m. AND NOT AFTER.
You are strongly advised to read the instructions to the last session of examinations carefully.
Students in the second year and above must bring their INFOSTUD receipt to the examination to demonstrate that they have passed the previous year’s exam.
ENROLMENT for the examinations
By hand only (either personally or by sending a friend to do it, but it MUST be done - an excuse that a friend was sent but did not do it will not be accepted) in the folder in the corridor of the Dip. Sezione Anglistica, Villa Mirafiori, 1st floor
1) Do not listen to student gossip about the exams but ask the teachers responsible (Hillan & Wilson) directly. Then you will not be misinformed.
2) The examination will be set according to the bibliography published both on our blogs and in the department at the beginning of the academic year. The examining commission will mark it according to the same criteria.
3) With the exception of Italian/mother-tongue bilingual dictionaries which may be used by non-Italian native speakers - not including English native speakers, NO DICTIONARIES may be used during the first GRAMMAR section of the exam. Monolingual ENGLISH DICTIONARIES may be used for the COMPOSITION PAPER. These dictionaries, brought by the students, MUST BE CLEAN (with no notes written in them, nor hiding any papers) and they will be checked during the examination (the "borrowed from a friend syndrome" is no excuse). Cheating in university exams is an offence.
4) Candidates for the examination MUST HAVE PASSED THE 2nd year examination and BRING PROOF (the yellow card if possible, or the verbalino) that they have done so. They should also bring proof of identity and their matriculation number.
5) NO PENCILS are allowed. ANYTHING WRITTEN IN PENCIL WILL BE INVALID. We suggest that candidates write on alternate lines to give them space for corrections and alterations in their text. Clarity is important, not tidiness.
6) NO MOBILE PHONES or other electronic gadgets are allowed during the examination.
7) Give yourselves enough time to read through and make alterations at the end. In other words, PLAN your work. When the time has finished it is finished and "STOP WRITING" means stop.
9) Remember that this is the III and Final written English language examination before graduating in languages. It is at University Degree level. Whatever you choose to write, it must be in good and comprehensible English and must answer the questions on the examination papers (i.e. not be prepared in advance on general topics).
10) Remember that your examiners want you to show the best you can do and they want you to pass the examination with a high mark. Therefore it is a good idea only to take the examination when you feel you are ready to do so and not as if it were a lottery. After all, it is the candidate who passes an exam or the candidate who fails an exam, not the examiner, who simply checks what has been written.
2) The examination will be set according to the bibliography published both on our blogs and in the department at the beginning of the academic year. The examining commission will mark it according to the same criteria.
3) With the exception of Italian/mother-tongue bilingual dictionaries which may be used by non-Italian native speakers - not including English native speakers, NO DICTIONARIES may be used during the first GRAMMAR section of the exam. Monolingual ENGLISH DICTIONARIES may be used for the COMPOSITION PAPER. These dictionaries, brought by the students, MUST BE CLEAN (with no notes written in them, nor hiding any papers) and they will be checked during the examination (the "borrowed from a friend syndrome" is no excuse). Cheating in university exams is an offence.
4) Candidates for the examination MUST HAVE PASSED THE 2nd year examination and BRING PROOF (the yellow card if possible, or the verbalino) that they have done so. They should also bring proof of identity and their matriculation number.
5) NO PENCILS are allowed. ANYTHING WRITTEN IN PENCIL WILL BE INVALID. We suggest that candidates write on alternate lines to give them space for corrections and alterations in their text. Clarity is important, not tidiness.
6) NO MOBILE PHONES or other electronic gadgets are allowed during the examination.
7) Give yourselves enough time to read through and make alterations at the end. In other words, PLAN your work. When the time has finished it is finished and "STOP WRITING" means stop.
9) Remember that this is the III and Final written English language examination before graduating in languages. It is at University Degree level. Whatever you choose to write, it must be in good and comprehensible English and must answer the questions on the examination papers (i.e. not be prepared in advance on general topics).
10) Remember that your examiners want you to show the best you can do and they want you to pass the examination with a high mark. Therefore it is a good idea only to take the examination when you feel you are ready to do so and not as if it were a lottery. After all, it is the candidate who passes an exam or the candidate who fails an exam, not the examiner, who simply checks what has been written.