martedì 25 ottobre 2016
I will not be in the office on Thursday, 27th October to see students as I have a hospital appointment. If there are any students that need to see me urgently they can come to my lessons on Friday, 28th October at 10, 20.
giovedì 20 ottobre 2016
In response to students' requests, tomorrow's lessons for III lettorato LT and MLI have been cancelled. This is because of the transport strike. Lessons will resume as normal next week. Please spread the word.
mercoledì 19 ottobre 2016
Those students who pass the written exam will sit the oral on Tuesday, 25th October. Exams will start at 10,30 am ( stanza dei lettori, V.M. )
martedì 18 ottobre 2016
Put the text below into English
Instructions for English text.
1)Which of the underlined sentences express a hypothetical past event and which express the future in the past ?
2)Pick out the verb patterns in the highlighted sentences.
3) Translate both the highlighted and the underlined sentences.
ROMA - La notizia della morte di Eluana arriva nell' Aula del Senato poco dopo le otto. La annuncia il senatore Villari. Il presidente Schifani invita a osservare un minuto di silenzio. Poi il clima si fa incandescente. «Eluana non è morta, è stata ammazzata», accusa il vice capogruppo del Pdl al Senato, Gaetano Quagliariello. Seguono momenti di tensione, si sfiora il contatto fisico fra i due schieramenti. «Si continua a fare l' ennesimo atto di sciacallaggio politico sulla morte di Eluana», replica il capogruppo del Pd, Anna Finocchiaro, alle parole di Quagliariello. Subito dopo arriva il commento del presidente del Consiglio. Una nota, dettata alle agenzie di stampa da Milano, dove Berlusconi ha trascorso la giornata. Il capo del governo ha appreso «con profondo dolore la notizia della morte di Eluana Englaro ……… «È grande il rammarico che sia stata resa impossibile l' azione del governo per salvare una vita». La nota del premier appare accusare, fa riferimento all' impotenza del governo ma anche - senza indicare - chi quell' impotenza ha prodotto. Il resto del centrodestra è più esplicito. Gianni Alemanno dice che «questa morte si doveva e si poteva evitare».
giovedì 13 ottobre 2016
Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word/words given. DO NOT
I’m sure
John stole the bag. MUST
As soon as
I got home I started to study for the exam. NO
said,“I promise I won’t be late.” PROMISED
wish I hadn’t been so rude. REGRET
Although the weather was bad we still went out.
teacher gets very angry when students
constantly arrive late for lessons. WISHES
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… /6
Complete the text below by filling each gap
A doctor (1) ……………. was being treated at an Ebola clinic run by
British military medical staff in Sierra Leone (2) ………………. died.
The death of Thomas Rogers Town (3)………..
Friday brings the number of doctors in Sierra Leone who have been killed (4)
…………. the deadly virus to eight. He had worked at Connaught hospital in
Freetown, the capital of the country (5) ……….. Ebola is spreading fastest.
Ebola has now infected more (6) ……….. 17,500 people and killed about 6,200.
The high number of infections in
healthworkers deters many from volunteering (7) …………work on Ebola wards,
particularly local healthworkers. (8) …………………… foreign doctors and nurses who
have become infected have (9) ……………..evacuated for treatment at better-equipped
foreign hospitals, locals are almost always treated in their own countries.
Facilities (10) …………… as the one at Kerry Town have been set up in an attempt
to respond to that disparity.(11) ………………… has been established in Liberia and
another is planned for Guinea.
A Cuban doctor being treated for Ebola at Geneva
University Hospital has made a full recovery and left Switzerland to be
reunited with his family, University hospital (12) ……………on Saturday.
Put the text below into
Quanto conta la statura nell’amore?Secondo
una ricerca dello psicologo GertStulp dell’Università di Groningen gli uomini
preferiscono le donne basse, non per una semplice questione di gusto, le
motivazione di tale scelta sarebbero addirittura rintracciabili a livello
genetico. Secondo lo studio dell’Ateneo olandese le donne basse tendono a
scegliere uomini alti e gli uomini alti le donne basse. La teoria è stata
confermata da un esperimento a cui hanno partecipato diecimila coppie inglesi.
Inconsciamente l’altezza di un uomo
rappresenta per la donna una
protezione necessaria. Al contrario la bassa statura della donna rappresenta
per l’uomo un’ideale di tenerezza e amore. Non è tutto. Sembra infatti che gli
uomini tendano a preferire le donne più basse perché nel loro corpo c’è una
maggiore presenza di estrogeni*, gli ormoni femminili che sono invece ridotti
nelle donne alte. * estrogen
martedì 11 ottobre 2016
1. Finish sentences given in class
2. Translate these sentences:
2. Translate these sentences:
1) Penso di andare in America a Natale .
2) Pensa
di essere intelligente ma non lo
3) Pensaci
su e dimmi cosa vuoi fare.
4) Si pensa che sia all'estero.
5) Pensavo di
andare al cinema stasera.
6) Cosa
pensi del nuovo
disco di Mika?
7) Pensavo che sarebbe stato più difficile.
do you think these slogans are advertising?
1. Nothing is
More Effective than Anadin.
2. I can’t
believe I ate the whole thing!
Don’t Leave Home Without it.
4. The power
to be your best.
Because Life’s
complicated Enough
Have it Your Way.
Does she or Doesn’t she?
It’s the real thing.
It’s what your right
arm’s for.
Be the first
to know
The best a man can get.
12. because
mums are heroes.
“Finger-licken good” -
14. Because
I’m worth it.
15. Don’t
live a little, live a lotto.
16 . I’m
lovin’ it -
17. Just do
18. Fun
19.Keep Walking -
20. Let your fingers do the walking
21) The Independent. It is, Are you?
domenica 9 ottobre 2016
I have not been able to answer the many emails students have sent me because I have had an operation on my hand and have difficulty writing. Please come to my lessons if you need to ask me something urgent .
martedì 4 ottobre 2016
III YEAR LETTORATO a.a. 2016/2017
Lessons begin on week starting Monday, 10th October.
Please read ALL of this post CAREFULLY.
LT - III YEAR Lettorato
Tuesday 8,30 -10,30 Aula VI
Friday 8,30 -10,30
Please read ALL of this post CAREFULLY.
Group C1 HILLAN – students with of mark of 28/30 in II
year lettorato exam (written and oral mark only,
NOT the average of lettorato and lingua)
Thursday 8:30 -10:30 – Aula V,V.M.
Friday 10:30 -12:30 –Aula III, V.M.
Friday 10:30 -12:30 –Aula III, V.M.
The course aims to further develop the four skills to
C1 level. There is particular emphasis on writing, the comparative analysis of
the Italian and English grammar systems. At the end of the course students are
expected to be able to apply their grammar knowledge to producing correct
English versions of Italian texts, reading comprehension and précis. Sixteen
hours of self-study listening tasks in the language laboratory are compulsory.
Students are expected to do a considerable
amount of work as preparation for lessons. Every two-hour lesson requires at
least two hours of preparation as private study. Students will also be required
to complete 2 assignments, one in the first and one in the second semester. To
be eligible for the exemption test 75%of lessons must be attended. Please
consult blogs (see below) for a more detailed description of the course and the
exam format.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary, 9th edition,
Headway Advanced, 4th
edition, 9780194713573
Jennifer Pudney, Written
English for Advanced Learners-A new practical method, available at Feltrinelli
Further material will be distributed during lessons.
Further material will be distributed during lessons.
Contact info :
emails :
Horrigan: Please consult
On-line Newspapers and News Sites
http://ww.the – articles from around the world – l articles translated into Italian from
English - “The Conversation is a collaboration between editors and academics to
provide informed news analysis and commentary that’s free to read and
Language Learning Sites
The following sites are for self-study.
The course aims to further develop the four skills to C1 level with
particular emphasis on writing, the comparative analysis of the Italian and
English grammar systems and discourse analysis being its main components. At
the end of the course students are expected to be able to apply their grammar
knowledge to producing correct English versions of Italian texts, completing
cloze texts and structural transformation exercises. They will also write a
brief academic essay based on the linguistic analysis of an advertisement.
Sixteen hours of self-study listening tasks in the language laboratory are
compulsory. Students are expected to do a considerable
amount of work as preparation for lessons. Every two-hour lesson requires at
least two hours of preparation as private study. Students will also be required
to complete 2 assignments, one in the first and one in the second semester. To
be eligible for the exemption test 75%of lessons must be attended. Please
consult blog (see below) for a more detailed description of the course and the
exam format.
Advanced English Language, Sara Thorne. Palgrave. (Selected chapters - see
The Structure of English
How to Use your Knowledge
The Language of Advertising
Other Varieties
How to Use your Knowledge (last chapter)
How to Use your Knowledge
The Language of Advertising
Other Varieties
How to Use your Knowledge (last chapter)
Practical English Usage, Third Edition, Michael Swan. O.U.P.
Practical English Usage is a reference text that you should
consult whenever you need to study/revise grammar points. The sections
below, instead, are recommended study for all III year students.
1. 240-headlines
2. 147- Emails
3. Pages xvii - xxv – language terminology
4. Pages xxvi- xix - common mistakes
5. 255 - idioms, collocations and fixed expressions
6. 308 – 312 - kinds of English
7. 389 - numbers
8. 445 - prefixes and suffixes
9. 473 – 479 - punctuation
10. 509 -512 - sentence structure
2. 147- Emails
3. Pages xvii - xxv – language terminology
4. Pages xxvi- xix - common mistakes
5. 255 - idioms, collocations and fixed expressions
6. 308 – 312 - kinds of English
7. 389 - numbers
8. 445 - prefixes and suffixes
9. 473 – 479 - punctuation
10. 509 -512 - sentence structure
Oxford Word
Skills, Advanced, Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman. O.U.P. (selected chapters)
A good dictionary is a basic study aid. The texts below are recommended :
Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary, Collins. Glasgow
Concise Oxford Dictionary , Oxford. O.U.P.
A good dictionary is a basic study aid. The texts below are recommended :
Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary, Collins. Glasgow
Concise Oxford Dictionary , Oxford. O.U.P.
Further material will be distributed
during lessons.A hand-out containing past exam papers for practice is available
on request at the department for those students who do not
attend lessons. These students should follow the blog on a regular basis to have
further information about the bibliography and exam format.
Contact info :
On-line Newspapers and News Sites – articles from around the world – l articles
translated into Italian from English - “The Conversation
is a collaboration between editors and academics to provide informed news
analysis and commentary that’s free to read and republish.”
Links on Advertising
Language Learning Sites
The following sites are for self-study.
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