martedì 11 luglio 2017


Giovedì 7 settembre,  2017. ore 15,00  Ex Poste. Aule 203
Gli  studenti  sono  pregati  di  presentarsi in aula almeno  15 minuti prima dell'inizio  dell'esame. Portare  il libretto  giallo o lo  stampato  di  Infostud che attesta il superamento di tutti  gli  esami  di  inglese del  secondo  anno.

dal 21 agosto  al 4 settembre ore 13,00

ATTENZIONE questo è un nuovo sistema di  prenotazione.

La conferma dell'avvenuta prenotazione  sarà comunicata direttamente sul link "prenotazioni on line" indicato sopra.
Non verranno inviate email  di  conferma da parte dei professori.


This post is for students who  intend to  sit the III  year written  lettorato  exam in  September.
Here is some advice and suggested material - all  available online  - to  help you prepare for the III year lettorato  exam .

Paper 1  - Grammar
1)     Complete Paper 1 of  Past Exam Papers Handout  IN EXAM CONDITIONS  - In ONE hour without the use of a dictionary.

2)      See  . This is the section of Corriere della Sera  with selected articles in English  with  their Italian   translation ( Italian Translation is at bottom of page). First of all, translate the article from English  into  Italian . This will increase your knowledge of the language of Italian  newspapers and should improve your vocabulary. Please check  that  your translation is correct by reading the  Italian version. Remember that  there are many correct versions of the same translation. You need to  make sure that your version has the same MEANING as the one provided.

You can  alternate translating from English  to Italian  and vice versa. Remember that working on each  piece means learning all new vocabulary in context ,  analyzing grammar and learning any new sentence patterns and doing the same with  verb patterns. It is not enough  to  know what  a word means,  you need to  know what can precede or follow it etc..

3)      See . This is a site for adult learning. In a very basic  way it explains the fundamental  rules of grammar and  writing. Start at level  1 and complete all levels.

4)      See . This is a free site with excellent material for preparation for Cambridge  exams. The exit level for III year students is C1 which is CAE. The link is for this exam

5)      See I presume you all know this site already. Do Six minute English as this is a quick  way to  learn new words in context. There are lots of different sections so  have a look and see which  ones best suit your needs.

Paper 2 – Essay/ Summary

i.                     Content – Remember that  the most important part of your analysis should focus on the language used although  you can  comment on other elements. Here are some links to  sites that  give advice on how to  approach  your analysis: - This is the link  for the media  section of The Guardian newspaper. Even if it is not an  academic site on critical  analysis, the content should provide useful and interesting information on the world of current advertising.

ii.                   The process of writing

See a booklet that explains all aspects of academic essay  writing.

Summary Writing  . This site contains news  articles written in 3 different levels from the most basic to  the original  text. Summarise the articles and complete accompanying exercises.