I will be posting assignments for you to complete as preparation for the second semester lessons.
Below you will find your mid- module test. I have removed the section on slogans as we will be dealing with this in depth in Semester 2.Please complete it before 13th January when I will be posting the key.
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD.
I’m sure it was Peter who told me about the new exam
regulations. MUST
I told the truth as I had
no choice. DID
It really gets on my nerves
when people talk during a film at the cinema.
There has been a substantial increase in youth unemployment this year. GROWN
However hard I study, I still
haven’t been able to pass my exam.
Complete the text below by filling the gaps with ONE word only
..............., there are some positive moves (10) …………… made to change the current mindset. (11)
…………… before it was forced to reckon with allegations that Harvey Weinstein had also harassed women in London, the United Kingdom was making political progress (12) …………… the issue
of women’s portrayal in the media. In July, the United Kingdom’s Advertising
Standards Authority announced that the U.K. (13) …………… soon
prohibit commercials that promote gender stereotypes.“(14) …………… advertising is
only one of many (15) …………… that contribute to unequal gender outcomes,” its
press release stated, “tougher advertising standards (16) …………… play an
important role in tackling inequalities and improving outcomes for individuals,
the economy and society as a whole.”(17) …………… of 2018, the agency says,
advertisements in (18) …………… women are
shown as solely responsible for household cleaning (19) …………… men appear unable of
taking care of their children will not pass muster in the U.K.
Commercials that differentiate between girls’ and boys’ toys based on gender stereotypes will be banned as (20) …………… .
Put the following text into
Si sono introdotti in casa di una famiglia di Melbourne,
Australia, nella mattinata di lunedì 6 novembre, con l'intenzione di portare
via quanti più oggetti possibili, ma insieme a un iPad, un computer portatile e
dei gioielli , i ladri hanno rapito anche Sasha, una cucciola di labrador di
sole 8 settimane. La scomparsa della piccola cucciola è stata denunciata e pianta amaramente dai
suoi padroni e soprattutto dalla sua inseparabile "sorellina" umana
di 4 anni, Maia. Per questo il distretto di polizia di Victoria ha
fatto di tutto per recuperare l'animale domestico, pubblicando sui social la
sua foto e coinvolgendo i media nazionali. I ladri hanno visto le immagini della
cagnolina circolare ovunque e, presi dal rimorso, l'hanno riconsegnata alla
famiglia. I proprietari di Sasha, infatti, hanno rilasciato nei giorni scorsi
diverse interviste, spiegando che la cucciola di labrador era entrata nella
loro casa solamente una settimana prima e che le sue condizioni di salute erano
precarie, per cui il ritorno in famiglia sarebbe stato essenziale.