12 cfu students enrolled in academic year 2019-20 or earlier will continue with the 19-20 oral only exam introduced during the Covid health emergency. 6 cfu students from aa 2019-2020 or earlier may choose to take either written and oral exam (as described below), or the oral only exam. Students take the exam in pairs and will be asked to paraphrase part of an article followed by a series of exercises testing comprehension, knowledge of synonyms and the ability to transform sentences.
6 cfu students enrolled in academic year 20-21 may take the Sessione Straordinaria exam if they fall into one of the categories below and are required to do the paraphrase & summary writing section of the written exam which will be followed by an oral test on a different day. The oral exam will be taken in pairs. The day and time of your oral exam will be communicated at the time of the written exam. The Examnet link for the written exam will be communicated on Zoom at the time of the written exam. THE SESSIONE STRAORDINARIA EXAM IS RESERVED FOR THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES. FIRST TIME STUDENTS HAVE TO WAIT TIL JUNE TO TAKE THE WRITTEN EXAM
riservati agli studenti fuori corso, ripetenti, lavoratori, portatori di disabilità alle studentesse madri e agli studenti padri con figlio/i di età inferiore a tre anni, nonché alle studentesse in stato di gravidanza (il fatto di trovarsi in una delle condizioni previste potrà essere attestato attraverso un’autocertificazione resa dall’interessato: scarica modello ); gli appelli sono da considerare estesi rispettivamente ai laureandi della II sessione di laurea 2020-21 e della IV sessione di laurea 2020-21.
Date: starting Thursday, 15th April 2021 at 2pm. Students may be required to do the exam on subsequent days depending on the number of candidates enrolled.
Bookings open: 25th March midday
Bookings close: 8th April midday.
Book here
N.B. The exam format starting June 2021 will be standardised across all academic years and students (6 and 12 cfu) will take the written followed by an oral exam.
Booking procedure
Students will be able to book their exam via the link provided on Magistrale 1 lettori CLA pages on the day booking opens. Students will be asked to upload their ID and proof of enrolment in the Magistrale.
The stated level of the first year Magistrale exam is C1. As such those taking part need to display an advanced range of accuracy and complexity in their speaking or writing not merely communication skills. Phonological and lexical ability will be tested in addition to comprehension.
Please note the following:
(1) Have a computer, tablet, or smart phone with a reliable internet connection and a functioning camera + microphone. The audio on your device must also work properly, so you can hear the examining lecturer and the other student.
(2) The oral exam will be conducted on Zoom/ Webex. Make sure you download the app and are familiar with it before the exam.
(3) Have your personal identification with your NAME AND PHOTO and proof of enrolment in the programme ready to show at the start of the meeting.
(4) The code for the video meeting will be provided on lecturers' CLA pages before the exam.
(5) Institutional email only is to be used for all stages of the process.
All details about the exam are on lecturers' CLA pages.
Ensure you have a consistent high quality internet connection
For further information on the written and oral exam please read below.
Written and oral exam format:
Written exam: Magistrale 1 aa.20-21 6 cfu students: paraphrase /summary writing activity
Oral exam: 20-21 6cfu students will be asked to comment on items from their written exam individually and interact with their pair in a freer discussion
Oral exam: 19-20 6&12 cfu students. The oral exam is done in pairs. Students are given 10 minutes to read an unseen text before
being asked to summarise the salient points of their article. A freer discussion of some of the
points raised ensues during which both students are expected to contribute equally. The final
grade is a straight average of the marks given for the written and oral sections.
Exam sample under COVID19: AA 2019-2020