martedì 9 ottobre 2018

MLI - Material for Friday 12th October

i.        Finish  sentences given in class
ii.      Translate sentences below

1)    Penso  di andare in America a Natale .
2)     Pensa  di  essere intelligente ma non lo è.
3)     Pensaci  su e dimmi cosa vuoi fare.
4)    Si  pensa che sia all'estero.
5)    Pensavo  di  andare al cinema stasera.
6)    Cosa pensi  del  nuovo  disco  di  Mika?
7)    Pensavo  che sarebbe stato più difficile. 

3.What  do  you think  these slogans are advertising?

1.     Nothing is More Effective than Anadin.
2.     I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!
3.     Don’t Leave Home Without it.
4.     The power to  be your best.
5.     Because Life’s complicated Enough
6.     Have it  Your Way.
7.       Does she or Doesn’t she?
8.     It’s the real  thing.
9.     It’s what your right arm’s for.
10.  Be the first to  know
11.    The best  a man  can get.
12.  because mums are heroes.
13. “Finger-licken  good”  -
14. Because I’m worth it.
15. Don’t live a little,  live a lotto.
16 .   I’m lovin’ it  -
17. Just do it
18. Fun anyone?
19.Keep  Walking  -
20.  Let your fingers do  the walkin
    21) The Independent. It is, Are you?

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