mercoledì 24 giugno 2020


This post is for students who intend to sit the Magistrale 1  lettorato exam in September.
Here is some advice and suggested material - all available online - to help you prepare for the   exam.

I presume that you already know of this site. In order to revise basic language, start with the first course -  lower intermediate -  and then  do  the intermediate and upper intermediate ones. There is also a basic grammar reference section (click on “grammar” and options will appear).
You should also do the pronunciation and vocabulary sections.

This is a free site with excellent material for preparation for Cambridge exams. The exit level for Magistrale 1 students is C1 which is CAE. The link is for this exam.

This site contains news articles written in 3 different levels from the most basic to  the original  text. Summarise the articles and complete accompanying exercises.

This is a skills hub that  provides guidelines on  academic writing.

One of the best ways to improve vocabulary is by reading. This is a site written by academics that analyses and discusses current events. Try to read at least 2 articles per day and learn any new words in context.

A collocation is when two or more words naturally go together and sound correct together.
Do the exercises and try to  use the collocations you learn in  your writing.

You will find Magistrale 1 coursework on my blog. The blog is in chronological order so start from October, 2019 and cover the material  for the current academic year.

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