sabato 10 ottobre 2020

APPELLO STRAORDINARIO MAGISTRALE 1 Anno Accademico 2019-20 o prima

APPELLO STRAORDINARIO MAGISTRALE 1 Anno Accademico 2019-20 o prima

Riservato agli studenti fuori corso, lavoratori, ripetenti, portatori di disabilità alle studentesse madri e agli studenti padri con figlio/i di età inferiore a tre anni, nonché alle studentesse in stato di gravidanza (il fatto di trovarsi in una delle condizioni previste potrà essere attestato attraverso un’autocertificazione resa dall’interessato: scarica modello  ); gli appelli sono da considerare estesi rispettivamente ai laureandi della II sessione di laurea 2019-20 e della IV sessione di laurea 2019-20.

Booking will open October 19th and close November 6th at middayNo exceptions will be made.

The exams will start on Thursday 12th of November at 14,30 and continue over subsequent days. Please check lecturers' CLA pages for details on 9/11/20.

The format of the oral only exam is per June and September 2020.Students will take the exam in pairs and receive an article to read and summarise approximately 10-12 minutes before their oral is scheduled to start. The exam will last 25-30 minutes for each pair of students.

The exam will begin with a short summary of part of the article followed by comprehension and synonym and transformation exercises.The stated level of the first year Magistrale exam is C1. As such those taking part need to display an advanced range of accuracy and complexity in their speaking, not merely communication skills. Phonological and lexical ability will be tested in addition to comprehension. 

Please note the following:

(1) Have a computer, tablet, or smart phone with a reliable internet connection and a functioning camera + microphone. The audio on your device must also work properly, so you can hear the examining lecturer and the other student.

(2) The oral exam will be conducted on Zoom/ Webex. Make sure you download the app and are familiar with it before the exam.

(3) Have your personal identification with your NAME AND PHOTO and proof of enrolment in the LCLT3 programme ready to show at the start of the meeting.

(4) The code for the video meeting will be provided on lecturers' CLA pages before the exam.

(5)  Institutional email only is to be used for all stages of the process. 

All details about the exam are on lecturers' CLA pages.



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