lunedì 31 maggio 2010


Below you will find the results of the end-module tests done on 11th and 12th May.
As you can see, your actual marks have not been published but just whether you passed or failed. You will receive your mark on the day of your oral exam. Students who are doing the oral with me will find their exam date below . MLC 2007/2008 students need to book for their exam with Prof.ssa Wardle.


Antolini Viola Insuff
Binetti V Suff
Bugheanu R Suff
Colico A Suff
Casagrande E Suff
Cometti E Suff
Conversano S. Insuff
Costa Simona Suff
Croce Stefano Suff
D’Antonio N Suff
De Angelis S Suff
De Franco A. Suff
De Prisco S Suff
Di Giacomo F Suff
Di Maio M Suff
Donà Giulia Insuff
Donnarumma Suff
Fabretti A Suff
Giammarioni Suff
Giuliano Serena Suff
Greggi S Suff
Le Piane M Suff
Marchioni F Insuff
Melis Alessia Suff
Monte MG Insuff
Moro Sabrina Suff
Olivadese Suff
Pandolfo V Suff
Petruzziello S Insuff
Plutino A Suff
Possagno D Suff
Povia C Insuff
Radico Marta Suff
Ribacchi G Suff
Ricci Gabriella Suff
Rossi V Suff
Rosso Daniela Suff
Sanna M Insuff
Sanzo’ R Suff
Scaparro C Suff
Scarsella R Insuff
Suppa L Suff
Terenzi C Suff
Valla Valeria Suff
Zucchini Enzo Suff

WEDNESDAY 12th May ,2010


Adonopoulus Insuff
Alfonsi Suff
Atzori Maurizio Suff
Barbu L. Suff
Bedrie Perja Insuff
Bramucci S Suff
Brandonisio O Insuff
Cammilleri Suff
Cannamela S Suff
Carbone L Suff
Capponi Chiara Suff
Castellini F Suff
Cicilano Ilaria Suff
Costarelli M Suff
D’Areo S Insuff
D’Afflisio S Suff
Di Domenico Suff
Di Manno I Suff
Faggiani Erica Suff
Farano F Suff
Farbod M Insuff
Fazio V Insuff
Fiore L Suff
Fontanarosa Suff
Forcina Sara Suff
Garofalo F Insuff
Gerardi Anna Insuff
Gagliardi V Suff
Goldini N Suff
Grasso A Insuff
Guercini M Insuff
Kakakand A Suff
Lee Daye Suff
Lepri Andrea Suff
Lunerti E Suff
Manfrecola S Suff
Mascolo F Suff
Nese Daniela Insuff
Pannone Nadia Suff
Pavicevic J Suff
Pellicanò Katia Suff
Petrungaro S Suff
Pinchetti G Suff
Pinci Emanuele Suff
Pinori Irene Suff
Plamadeala N Suff
Porcelli L Suff
Salvadei E Suff
Sebastiani M Suff
Shelepyuk Olha Suff
Simeone F Suff
Sinato F Suff
Spurio C Suff
Stano A Suff
Teolis F Insuff
Tirrò L Suff
Villani A Suff

FRIDAY 4th JUNE, starting 8,30 am ( lettori office)

Colico Alessandra
Fabbretti Alessandra
Giuliano Serena
Moro Sabrina
Pandolfo Valentina
Rossi Veronica
Sanzò Roberto
Bramucci Serena
Capponi Chaira
Di Domenico Marilise
Gagliardi Valentina
Costarelli Martina
D’Afflisio Silvia
Manfrecola Sonia
Pavievic Jelena
Pinchetti Giulia
Pinci Emanuele
Sebastiani Martina
Sinato Francesca
Stano Alessandra

Bring two newspaper articles dealing with the same subject, one from a quality and the other from a middle-market or popular newspaper. You will be asked to compare them as part of you r oral exam. Please bring proof of identity.

mercoledì 26 maggio 2010


The results of the end-module test will be posted at the beginning of next week.(31st May)
Some students have already booked with Prof.ssa Wardle to do their exams even though I had not officially given them their results.Please wait until the results come out and then make an appointment with Prof.ssa Wardle.

martedì 25 maggio 2010

RICEVIMENTO - 1st June, 2010

As 2nd June is a holiday,ricevimento will be on 1st June, 8:30-9:30.

mercoledì 19 maggio 2010


III ANNO – Lettorato d’inglese
Gli studenti sottoelencati hanno superato la prova scritta di III anno di lettorato d’inglese con i seguenti voti:

Berardi Lidia 18
Caroselli Flavio 18
Drago Micol 25
Gambardella Ilaria 18
Massi Pamela 18
Melas Greca 18
Picone Luca 19

Gli esami orali saranno mercoledì 26 maggio alle ore 11,00 nella stanza dei lettori.
Gli studenti che non hanno superato la prova potranno prendere visione del loro compito mercoledì 26 maggio, 12:30 – 1:30.

venerdì 14 maggio 2010

END MODULE TEST 11th/12th May 2010

The following students asked for their papers to be corrected urgently as they had also signed up for the Sessione Straordinaria exam on May 17th.
These are the results:
Cometti 20 Suff
Fontanarosa 24 Suff
Olivadese 19 Suff
Plamadeala 23+Suff
Ricci 23 Suff
Garofalo Insuff
Perja Insuff
Sebastiani 18 Suff
Shelepyuk Insuff

Those of you who did not pass the end-module test are strongly advised NOT to try the exam on Monday. It is impossible to make enough progress to pass the exam in 5 days!


Prova Scritta Lingua inglese 1°anno (Hillan M-Q /Leyland E-L)

Le date della sessione estiva dell’esame scritto di lingua inglese sono:
giovedì 3 giugno, 10,30 -12,30 Aula 5 VM
mercoledì 16 giugno, 10,30 – 12,30 Aula 6 VM
Gli studenti possono prenotarsi al Dipartimento di Anglistica in forma cartacea dal 17 maggio (2° piano, cercare cartella “lingua inglese Hillan / Leyland “ nel corridoio).

sabato 8 maggio 2010

III YEAR MLC - Oral Exam

Here is the information you couldn't find for your oral exam :

Per gli studenti che devono maturare solo 4 cfu la prova orale (appelli da giugno 2010)consisterà in una discussione in lingua inglese della prova scritta di lettorato. Lo studente dovrà dimostrare una padronanza del discorso metalinguistico ( essere in grado di affrontare argomenti grammaticali, morfologici, lessicali, ecc.).


The following students have been added to the list:
For reasons beyond my understanding my blog refuses to edit my posts so I haven't been able to add you to the final list .

venerdì 7 maggio 2010


If your name is not on one of the 2 lists below but you think you have enough attendance to be eligible to sit the test, please contact me via email. REMEMBER - check both lists as the original registers for Groups A&B no longer apply.

The students listed below will be doing their end-module test on TUESDAY 11th May at 8am, AULA 5.

Antolini Viola
Binetti Valentina
Casagrande E
Colico A
Cometti E
Conversano S.
Costa Simona
Costarelli M
Croce Stefano
D’Antonio N
De Angelis S
De Franco A.
De Prisco S
Di Giacomo F
Di Maio M
Donà Giulia
Fabretti A
Giuliano Serena
Greggi S
Hila Albana
Iapello M C
Le Piane M
Marchioni F
Melis Alessia
Monte MG
Moro Sabrina
Pandolfo V
Petruzziello S
Plutino A
Possagno D
Povia C
Quattroocchi F
Radico Marta
Ribacchi G
Ricci Gabriella
Rossi V
Rosso Daniela
Sanna M
Sanzo’ R
Scaparro C
Scarsella R
Suppa Laura
Terenzi Claudia
Valla Valeria
Zucchini Enzo

The students listed below will be doing their end- module test on WEDNESDAY 12th May,
8am, AULA 6

Atzori Maurizio
Azzurra Leo
Barbu L.
Bedrie Perja
Bramucci S
Brandonisio O
Bugheanu R
Cannamela S
Carbone L
Capponi Chiara
Castellini F
Cicilano Ilaria
D’Areo S
D’Afflisio S
Faggiani Erica
Fazio V
Di Domenico Marilise
Di Manno
Farano F
Farbod M
Fiore L
Fontanrosa M.
Forcina Sara
Garofalo F
Gagliardi V
Gerardi A
Grasso A
Guercini Marta
Kavakand A
Lee Daye
Lepri Andrea
Lunerti E
Manfrecola S
Mascolo Francesca R.
Nese Daniela
Pannone Nadia
Pavicevic Jelena
Pellicanò Katia
Petrungaro Simona
Pinchetti Giulia
Pinci Emanuele
Pinori Irene
Plamadeala Nadejda
Porcelli L
Salvadei Emmanuele
Sebastiani M
Shelepyuk Olha
Simeone Floriana
Sinato Francesca
Spurio C
Stano Alessandra
Straccamore G
Teolis F.
Tirro Lucia
Villani Adele

martedì 4 maggio 2010



The students listed below are eligible to sit the end - module test. If your name does not appear but you think you have done the required number of lessons, please contact me via email.Please do not panic - if there have been any miscalculations, they will be put right. If you changed from Group A to Group B in the second semester, you will now be on that register. The Group B final list will be published on Friday after the last lesson of the course.

Alfonsi Chiara
Antolini Viola
Bramucci S
Bugheanu R
Carbone L
Casagrande E
Colico A
Cometti E
Costa Simona
Costarelli M
Croce Stefano
D’Afflisio S
D’Antonio N
De Angelis S
De Franco A.
De Prisco S
Di Domenico
Di Giacomo F
Di Maio M
Di Manno I
Donà Giulia
Farano F
Farbod M
Forcina Sara
Gagliardi V
Gerardi Anna
Giuliano Serena
Greggi S
Hila Albana
Iapello M C
Le Piane M
Marchioni F
Melis Alessia
Monte MG
Moro Sabrina
Pandolfo V
Petruzziello S
Plutino A
Porcelli L
Possagno D
Povia C
Radico Marta
Ribacchi G
Ricci Gabriella
Rossi V
Rosso Daniela
Sanna M
Sanzo’ R
Scaparro C
Scarsella R
Sebastiani M
Suppa Laura
Tirro’ Lucia F.
Valla Valeria
Zucchini Enzo