venerdì 30 marzo 2012


Please note that there will be no ricevimento on Wednesday,4th April.
The next ricevimento will be on Wednesday,18th April.

sabato 24 marzo 2012

III Year - Easter Assignments

These are the last chapters you are required to read before your test in April ( after the Easter break)
Oxford Word Skills - Written English - 68,69,70

Written Assignment ( approx. 350 words )
Past Examination Handout - sessione straordinaria 2009/2010 ( page 14 )
Do not do your work on the computer as this is not good practice for your exam. Please write on alternate lines and try not to exceed the word limit by more than 50 words.
To be handed in at your first lesson after the holidays.

Easter Holidays

The Easter holidays are 5th-11th April which means C1 has its last lesson on 2nd and C5 on 4th. Both groups will have their first lesson after the break on Friday 13th.
C1 - Please note that there will not be a lesson on Monday 16th April as our classroom will be used for the written exam session.

mercoledì 21 marzo 2012

sessione straordinaria di lettorato di lingua inglese - Scienze Umanistiche - NON ex-lettere

lunedì 16 aprile 2012
ore 8.00 - aula VI ,V.M.
III anno
IV vecchio ordinamento quad.e anglo-americano
specialistica/magistrale I & II anno

ore 11.15 - aula VI -V.M.
I anno
II anno
Altri corsi di laurea
N.B. : Gli studenti che desiderano sostenere l'esame devono prenotarsi personalmente sui fogli presso il corridoio della sezione di Anglistica del Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali entro giovedì 12 aprile alle 12.00.

lunedì 19 marzo 2012

Lecture - Friday 23rd March

Here's the official invitation to the lecture on Friday:


Un invito alle conferenze di Prof. Jan Van Coillie dell’Università di Brussels sul tema

From Bluebeard to Little Red Patch.
Fairy tale illustrations as translation

venerdì, 23 marzo 2012, alle ore 8.30, aula VI, Villa Mirafiori

Oh how hard it is to play my game
for nobody knows the listener's name.
Translating Grimm for reading (aloud)

lunedì, 26 marzo 2012, alle ore 12.30, aula IX, Villa Mirafiori


Jan Van Coillie teaches Dutch and children’s literature in translation at the Department of Applied Linguistics of the Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUB) in Brussels and was acting chairman of the Belgian Centre for Children’s Literature. He has published widely on children’s poetry, fairy-tales and children’s literature generally. From 1999 till 2004 he was editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedie van de jeugdliteratuur. He is also active as translator, especially of children’s picture books and potery.

domenica 18 marzo 2012

C1 & C5 - Lecture - Friday, March 23rd

Remember that on Friday 23rd March at 8:30 in Aula VI Prof. Jan Van Coillie,from the University of Brussels, will be giving a lecture on “From bluebeard to Little Red Patch Fairy. Tale illustrations as Translation”.Both III year groups are strongly advised to come attend as this will give you an opportunity for some intensive listening on a subject matter closely related to your degree course.CI & C5 will then do their normal course lesson at 10,30 so that C1 will not miss a lesson.


Dear Students,
We are pleased to inform you that MiraMag is back again and will come out in May.
In the last few years the magazine has been an opportunity for sharing knowledge,
points of view and information, and a forum for intercultural exchanges among
students from different universities.
In the attempt to continue and improve this wonderful project we are asking for your
contribution. If you want to share your experiences with other students, express your
opinion on a particular topic, tell stories or anecdotes, promote events or activities,
draw for the magazine, or if there is something interesting you would like to write or
read about: any suggestions, reflections and ideas would be of enormous help and
warmly appreciated.
This year, alongside the topics we have already dealt with in the past issues, we
would like to develop new topics of discussion, such as about translation and
intercultural experiences, learning and teaching issues, fashion, art and music, film
and book reviews and extracurricular activities.
Feel free to check the Miramag moodle
id=1092 and Mira Mag’s facebook account if
you want to know more about the forthcoming special edition or to see past issues.
Here is a list of the email addresses to contact:
The arts (fashion, art and music):
Translation and interculture:
Language learning/teaching:
Reviews and extracurricular activities:
International coordinator Aurora:
We are looking forward to reading your proposals!
(Infosheet drafted by Gabriella, Gilda and Veronica, 13 March 2012