martedì 25 settembre 2018

Magistrale 1 EAAS/SLLT Lettorato a.a. 2018/2019

Lessons begin on Tuesday,9th October.

          Magistrale 1 EAAS /SLLT Lettorato                                   a.a. 2018/19

This course aims to extend students’ speaking and writing abilities. All students are expected to participate actively. The course will cover a number of writing skills including, summary writing and essay writing, incorporating elements of academic writing. Public speaking skills include presentations and speech making. Students are expected to reach a C1+ level in speaking and writing by the end of the year
Students must complete an assignment in order to take end of semester ‘esoneri’. Additionally, 75% of lessons must be attended. 6 & 12 credit students take the same exam.
Students are expected to do a considerable amount of work as preparation for lessons. Every two-hour lesson requires at least two hours of preparation as private study. Students requesting to change alphabet division need to send an explanatory e-mail to the teacher of their group copying it to the teacher of the proposed group explaining the valid motive behind their request. This must be done during the first two full weeks of lessons.

Vince, M , Advanced Language Practice with Key. Macmillan Education, 4th edition , 2014
Swan, M  Practical English Usage. OUP, 3rd edition, 2005.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9th edition, OUP
Thorne, S, Mastering Advanced English Language, Palgrave Macmillan

Further information regarding  course material will be given by lettori at the start of the course.


Group A  Nicholas Toll   surnames A-E
Monday 11-13  room 102 / Wednesday 15-17 room 109
Group B  Maria Hillan     surnames F-O
Tuesday 13,00 - 15,00 Room 105, Semester 1, Room 110 Semester 2 / Friday  - 13,00 -15,00 Room 201

Group C  Margaret Horrigan  surnames P-Z
Monday 11.00-13.00, Room 109
Wednesday 17.00-19.00, Room 106

Non-frequentante exam
Part 1 reading comprehension with exercises including paraphrasing and summarising.
Part 2 a 400 word formal essay incorporating elements of academic writing such as in-text and reference citation based on the general theme of the text. A monolingual dictionary may be used in this part of the exam.
The oral exam is done in pairs. Students are given 10 minutes to read an unseen text before being asked to summarise the salient points of their article. A freer discussion of some of the points raised ensues during which both students are expected to contribute equally. The final grade is a straight  average of the marks given for the written and oral sections.

Margaret Horrigan
Nicholas Toll
Maria Hillan:
Margaret Horrigan:
Nicholas Toll:

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